

Sabine Holzmann

born in 1971

 • Abitur at the Max-Reger-Gymnasium Amberg

• 3-year full-time study at the Josef-Angerer-Schule Munich (vocational school of the Association of German Heilpraktiker)

• 3-year assistantship at A. Bauhofer (Bad Reichenhall) and H. Unzeitig (Amberg)

• Since 1999 own naturopathic practice in Amberg

Additional training:

Classic Acupuncture, Naturopath Academy Bavaria
Eye diagnostic at the Uslarer Kreis
The woman in homeopathy, Arne Krüger, Berlin
Bioidentical hormones, Elisabeth Buchner, Erlangen
Intensive course in gynecology, Margret Madejsky, Natura Naturans, Munich
Fertility treatment based on TCM, Prof. A. Noll Chengdu, Munich
Regular participation in the Bad Boll Medical Seminar (anthroposophic medicine)
Ongoing training in the applied therapy areas 

Member of the Association of German Alternative Practitioners
Logo Fachverband Deutscher Heilpraktiker


Practice for naturopathy
Sabine Holzmann
Marienstraße 23
92224 Amberg


Stand-in: Wolfgang Hegge
Tel. 0176-70191758

Office hours

Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
and by appointment